
Public comment: Co-management in Commonwealth fisheries

The Australian Fisheries Management Authority (AFMA) has developed a draft Fisheries Management Paper (FMP) on Co-management in Commonwealth fisheries, and is seeking comment from stakeholders. 

AFMA has entered into formal co-management arrangements with a number of Commonwealth fishery groups since 2008 and the draft FMP 17: Co-management in Commonwealth fisheries – establishing effective co-management arrangements, recognises co-management as an important tool to support AFMA’s legislative and regulatory framework for Commonwealth fisheries. Co-management can build better working relationships between AFMA and stakeholders and provides opportunity for greater involvement by stakeholders in the management of fisheries. 

The objectives of the draft FMP 17 are to:

  • Provide a framework for establishing co-management arrangements between fishery groups and AFMA in the management of Commonwealth fisheries; and
  • Provide guidance for achieving an effective outcome when negotiating co-management arrangements with the management of Commonwealth fisheries.

If you would like to make a submission on the draft Fisheries Management Paper 17: Co-management in Commonwealth fisheries please email, by 30 November 2021.

To assist the consultation process AFMA has developed Frequently Asked Questions relating to FMP 17.

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