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    Section 11C of the Freedom of Information Act 1982 requires agencies and ministers to publish information which has been released under the access provisions of the FOI Act, subject to certain exceptions. This is commonly known as the ‘disclosure log’ requirement. This requirement commenced on 1 May 2011.

    The requirement to publish information in the disclosure log does not apply to:

    • personal information about any person if publication of that information would be ‘unreasonable’
    • information about the business, commercial, financial or professional affairs of any person if publication of that information would be ‘unreasonable’
    • other information covered by a determination made by the Australian Information Commissioner if publication of that information would be ‘unreasonable’
    • any information if it is not reasonably practicable to publish the information because of the extent of modifications that would need to be made to delete the information listed in the above dot points.

    AFMA’s disclosure log contains details of how information that the agency has released in response to a FOI access request may be obtained, except where the information is not required to be published.

    AFMA publishes non-exempt information that it has released under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 in our freedom of information disclosure log.

    This may take the form of a direct link available for download from this page. If there is no direct link available then you can request access to the document.

    See also:

    Freedom of Information reference number Date of release Summary of request Description of information released
    FOI Number 8 of 2022 16/12/2022 Senate Estimates briefing pack for November 2022 Estimates 21 documents released in full
    5 documents partially released 
    To access released documents, please contact foi@afma.gov.au
    FOI Number 5 of 2022 11/08/2022 PowerPoint slides, notes and any materials relating to the AFMA graduate program's orientation sessions given to new staff from the beginning of this year's graduate program to date.

    One document was fully released.

    To access relevant documents, please contact foi@afma.gov.au.

    FOI Number 2 of 2021 12/08/2021

    AFMA’s Vessel Monitoring System position reports for Commonwealth fishing vessels using demersal gears (mobile and static) at their maximum temporal interval, together with anonymised IDs, time strap, location information, vessel length, vessel tonnage and fishing gear type/class for 2019 in the following areas:

    SW corner Lon: 124.3147470°E, Lat: 12.7728966°S

    NW corner Lon: 124.2914216°E , Lat: 11.3973245°S

    SE corner Lon: 131.2047329°E , Lat: 12.7118908°S

    NE corner Lon: 131.0635625°E , Lat: 11.3694635°S

    One document was fully released.

    To access relevant documents, please contact foi@afma.gov.au.

    FOI Number 1 of 2021 9/03/2021 All AFMA reports of illegal or suspected illegal fishing activity by foreign or suspected foreign ships by AFMA officers operating out of the Darwin office in AFMA's Senate File list document F2020/0060 entitled Fisheries Compliance Monitoring (Darwin) for the period between 1 January 2020 to 30 June 2020.

    6 documents were partially released.

    All documents were exempt in part under s.33(a)(i), s.33(a)(ii) and s.37(2)(b). One document was exempt in part under s.37(1)(a).

    All documents were conditionally exempt in part under s.47E(d) and s.47F.

    2 documents were conditionally exempt in part under s.47C.

    To access relevant documents, please contact foi@afma.gov.au.

    F2020/0140 12/06/2020 Information primarily relating to unlawful fishing in contravention of the Fisheries Management Act 1991 by Vietnamese fishermen. 

    17 documents were conditionally exempt from release under s. 47C of the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act).

    1 document was released in part with exempt personal information redacted under s. 47F of the FOI Act.

    2 documents were released in full.

    To access relevant documents, please contact foi@afma.gov.au.

    DOC20/5658 19/03/2020 Information relating to various aspects of foreign fishing vessels

    16 documents were exempt from release of which 2 documents were exempted under ss. 42 and 45 of the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act); and 14 documents were conditionally exempt under s. 47C of the FOI Act.

    18 documents were released in part with exempt personal information redacted under s22 of the FOI Act; and information conditionally exempt under ss. 47C and 47G of the FOI Act.

    To access relevant documents, please contact foi@afma.gov.au.

    LP2015/0057 25/01/17 Sought access to:

    (i) All information including reports and data prepared by the AFMA trained Observers on board the Geelong Star relating to marine mammal interactions,

    in particular mortalities;


     (ii) All information submitted to the AFMA by Seafish Tasmania Pelagic Pty Ltd in compliance with their reporting requirements under Part 3 of Geelong Star’s Vessel Management Plan (VMP), relating to marine mammal interactions, in particular mortalities, including documents specifying the time, date, and location of each mortality.

    • Document No13 – Wildlife Interaction Report – (Aust. fur seal) partial release under section: s47 of the FOI Act. (Photos Released)
    • Document No14” – Wildlife Interaction Report – (Aust. fur seal) partial release under section s47 of the FOI Act. (Photos Released)
    • Documents No38 and 39 – Listed Marine & Threatened Species forms.(Released in Full)
    • Balance of Documents – Nos. 1 to 12, & 15 to 37, & 40 to 50, Wildlife Interaction Reports, Report Interaction, Observer Wildlife Interaction Report, Listed Marine & Threatened Species Forms, Reporting Logs by Observes, Vessel Activity Logs; Wildlife Interaction Data and Catch Composition and Trip Reports for Geelong Star by Observers Released in Part – Exempt from release pursuant to Section 47. (Affirmed in OAIC decision of 14 December 2016).


    To access relevant documents, please contact foi@afma.gov.au.

    F2015/0049 15/9/2015 Any underwater camera vision and photographs from the FV Geelong Star from April 2015 showing the eight dolphin deaths and four seal deaths. Other documents analysing and discussing the collection and review of underwater vision from the FV Geelong Star and any flaws and/or possible flaws in the performance of the excluder device.

    3 documents released in full. 21 documents released in part with redactions made under section 22 of the FOI Act for exempt personal information (s47F), trade secrets and commercially valuable information (s47) and business (s47G). 11 documents are exempt from release under sections s47 and s47G of the FOI Act.Please note: Certain documents available for access on this disclosure log are an edited version of the documents provided to the applicant due to an exception in s 11C(1). Section 11C of the FOI Act provides that information that would be unreasonable to publish is exempt.

    To access relevant documents, please contact foi@afma.gov.au.

    LP2015/0052 13/08/2015 All accounts of the deaths of marine mammals, including observer reports, location data, video, and photographs, provided to or prepared by AFMA related to the fishing operations of the FV Geelong Star in the Small Pelagic Fishery during the year 2015.

    4 documents released in full. 3 documents released in part with exempt personal information (s47F of the FOI Act) redacted under s22 of the FOI Act. 25 documents released in part with information exempt under sections s47 (Trade Secrets and commercially valuable information) and s47G (Business) of the FOI Act redacted under s22 of the FOI Act. 10 documents are exempt from release under sections s47 and s47G of the FOI Act.

    Please note: Certain documents available for access on this disclosure log are an edited version of the documents provided to the applicant due to an exception in s 11C(1). Section 11C of the FOI Act provides that information that would be unreasonable to publish is exempt.

    To access relevant documents, please contact foi@afma.gov.au.

    LP2015/0038 29/05/2015 Any compilation video footage of seal, sea lion and dolphin interactions extracted from the video footage referred to in the 2008 Lyle & Willcox Report (including the pilot study referred to within the Report)

    5 documents released in full. 18 document exempt in full under sections s47E and s47G of the FOI Act. The documents released disclose footage of a trial of a particular Seal Excluder Device (SED) in a 2005 pilot study. The SED appearing within the 5 released documents is not representative of the current SEDs in use in trawling operations. Further trials of SEDs, since the time of the footage contained in the 5 documents released, have shown that top opening SEDs, in conjunction with other design developments result in a reduction in adverse fishing interactions with seals. The SED shown in the attached 5 document shows the operation of a bottom opening SED and not the improved top opening design. The SEDs currently used in trawling operations fishery have proven to be more effective in permitting the escape from nets of seals.

    To access relevant documents, please contact foi@afma.gov.au.

    LP2015/0030 29/05/2015 Correspondence between the SPFRAG Chairperson and any of the following parties regarding the resignation from the SPFRAG:
    • the Minister responsible for the AFMA
    • AFMA
    • the SPFRAG

    Copies of any other correspondence between the SPFRAG Chairperson and the parties listed above between 1 September 2014 and 15 January 2015.

    121 documents released in part with exempt personal information (s47F of the FOI Act) and information irrelevant to the request redacted under s22 of the FOI Act.

    Please note: Certain documents available for access on this disclosure log are an edited version of the documents provided to the applicant due to an exception in s 11C(1). Section 11C of the FOI Act provides that information that would be unreasonable to publish is exempt.

    To access relevant documents, please contact foi@afma.gov.au.

    LP2015/0034 24/04/2015 Documents relating to the detention and disposal of Fishing Vessel Jayasri in 2001 and the prosecution of the master of the vessel. 7 documents released in part with information irrelevant to the request redacted under s22 of the FOI Act.

    To access relevant documents, please contact foi@afma.gov.au.

    LP2014/0006 3/03/2014 Documents relating to correspondence between Bight Petroleum Pty Ltd & AFMA, specifically: any reports, plans, memos, emails or other correspondence received from Bight Petroleum; and any correspondence sent from AFMA relating to Bight Petroleum’s proposed seismic survey in EPP41 and EPP42 or any other similar exploratory activity in the Great Australian Bight by Bight Petroleum. 2 documents released in part with irrelevant information, and information exempt under s47F of the FOI Act, redacted under s22 of the FOI Act.

    To access relevant documents, please contact foi@afma.gov.au.

    LP2013/0101 13/08/2013 Documents relating to requests made by AFMA under Part 4-1 of the Telecommunications (Interception and Access) Act 1979.

    3 documents released in part with irrelevant information, and information exempt under s37 of the FOI Act, redacted under s22 of the FOI Act.

    To access relevant documents, please contact foi@afma.gov.au.

    LP2013/0047 10/05/2013 Access to the following 3 documents: NIODFF Exploratory Management Report; NIODFF Exploratory Management Report Draft Review Document of 24 December 2003; and NIODFF Draft 2nd Exploratory Management Report of May 2004.

    All 3 documents released in full.

    To access relevant documents, please contact foi@afma.gov.au.

    LP2012/0050 18/04/2013

    Still images of sea lion mortalities, and any human interaction with live, or dead, sea lions.

    (Note: Business information and personal information appearing in the still images are redacted from the still images.)

    65 documents (35 primary documents and 30 duplicate copies) released, being the still images of 10 separate Australian sea lion interactions relevant to the request. All documents were released with redaction under s22 of the FOI Act for irrelevant information.

    To access relevant documents, please contact foi@afma.gov.au.

    LP2012/0172 18/12/2012 Any compilation video footage of seal, sea lion and dolphin interactions extracted from the video footage referred to in the 2008 Lyle & Willcox Report; Any compilation video footage of seal interactions extracted from footage obtained during the study of top opening seal excluder devices in the blue grenadier fishery.

    5 documents released in full. 25 document exempt in full under various sections including s45, s47, s47E and s47G. The documents released disclose footage of a trial of a particular Seal Excluder Device (SED). The SED appearing within the 5 released documents is not representative of the current SEDs in use in trawling operations within the Small Pelagic Fishery or the Winter Blue Grenadier fishery. One major innovation in SED development is the change from bottom opening to top opening. Further trials of SEDs, since the time of the footage contained in the 5 documents released, have shown that top opening SEDs, in conjunction with other design developments, result in a reduction in adverse fishing interactions with seals and sea lions. The SED shown in the attached 5 document shows the operation of a bottom opening SED and not the improved top opening design. The SEDs currently used in trawling operations within the Small Pelagic Fishery and the Winter Blue Grenadier fishery have proven to be more effective in permitting the escape from nets of seals and sea lions.

    To access relevant documents, please contact foi@afma.gov.au.

    LP2012/0208 02/11/2012 Any briefs signed by the Minister Burke in relation to the Fisheries Management Authority’s large Small Pelagic Fishery Harvest Strategy; Any briefing material provided to Minister Burke or his office in relation to the Fisheries Management Authority’s Small Pelagic Fishery Harvest Strategy; and Any communications with the Minister’s Office in relation to the October 2009 Fisheries Management Authority’s Small Pelagic Fishery Harvest Strategy.

    2 documents released in full. 6 documents released in part with irrelevant information redacted under section 22 of the FOI Act.

    Please note: Certain documents available for access on this disclosure log are an edited version of the documents provided to the applicant due to an exception in s 11C(1). Section 11C of the FOI Act provides that information that would be unreasonable to publish is exempt.

    To access relevant documents, please contact foi@afma.gov.au.

    LP2012/0054 12/07/2012 & 23/08/2012 Certain documents held by the AFMA relating to illegal shooting of Seabirds in the Great Australian Bight during the 2009-10 tuna fishing season.

    4 documents released in full. 1 document released in part. Section 11C of the FOI Act provides that information that would be unreasonable to publish is exempt. 1 document has been identified as reasonable to publish.

    To access relevant documents, please contact foi@afma.gov.au.

    LP2012/0093 6/07/2012 Documents held by AFMA relating to information that was used to set the TAC for jack mackerel for 2012-13.

    29 documents were identified as being within the scope of the FOI Request. Of the 29 documents, 15 were released in full. The remaining 14 of the 29 documents were released with redactions under s22 for irrelevant information.

    To access relevant documents, please contact foi@afma.gov.au.

    LP2011/0107 13/10/2011 Reports that relate to the mortality rate disclosure, the 2010 and 2011 fishing season and survey reports for the Bass Strait Central Zone Scallop Fishery (BSCZSF), the 2010 and 2011 fishing season and stock availability reports for the BSCZSF and minutes of the August 2005 meeting held at the rooms of the Seafood Industry Victoria.

    All 29 documents released in full.

    To access relevant documents, please contact foi@afma.gov.au.

    LP2012/0207 11/10/2012 All material prepared for, or provided to: (1) Minister Burke; or (2) the Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities; or (3) Minister Ludwig; or (4) the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry in respect of (1) the Abel Tasman and its previous name the Margiris; (2) supertrawlers; or (3) factory freezer trawlers, between 1 July 2012 and 14 September 2012, but excluding any emails, drafts and documents involving third parties. 23 documents released in full. 1 document exempt in full under s42.

    Please note: Certain documents available for access are an edited version of the documents provided to the applicant due to an exception in s 11C(1). Section 11C of the FOI Act provides that information that would be unreasonable to publish is exempt.

    To access relevant documents, please contact foi@afma.gov.au.

    F2018/0388 11/05/2018 “The signed copies of the Traditional Inhabitant Identification Forms that were lodged to enable the grant of TIB Licences for the following people:

    Benjamin Moore – TIB Licence 1003417/418/419/420 – TRAWQ348

    Narai Cousins – TIB Licence 1003482 – TRAWQ545

    Paul King – TIB Licence 1003362 – TRAWQ456

    Peter Seekee – TIB Licence 172153 & 1002806 – TRAWQ485 & TRAWQ505

    The Information sought is the Signed Councillor/Council Representative/Native Title Body document confirming Traditional Inhabitant Status, which must accompany any TIB Licence application.

    1 Document released in part with redactions made under section 22 of the FOI Act for exempt personal information (s47F)

    Please note: Certain documents available for access are an edited version of the documents provided to the applicant due to an exception in s 11C(1). Section 11C of the FOI Act provides that information that would be unreasonable to publish is exempt.

    To access relevant documents, please contact foi@afma.gov.au.


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