Appointed from 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2029.
More about Sevaly Sen
Sevaly is an applied economist with over thirty years experience in fisheries in Australia, Oceania, Europe, Africa and Asia.
Sevaly ran her own consultancy company in the UK, worked for the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation in southern Africa and the Institute of Fisheries Management in Denmark. Since moving to Australia in 1999, Sevaly runs her own consultancy business.
She has been a member of the Fisheries Council of South Australia, the NSW Structural Adjustment Review Committee and the Torres Strait Scientific Advisory Committee. Current memberships include the NSW Marine Estate Expert Knowledge Panel, the South Australian Allocation Review Committee and the Torres Strait Rock Lobster Working Group. Sevaly is also advisor to Sydney Fish Market on sustainability issues and is economic lead on the FRDC Human Dimesions Research sub-program.