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    National VMS Vessel Tracking Authorisation Web Form

    This form should be completed to authorise the Nominated Partner Agencies of the National Vessel Monitoring System to electronically monitor a vessels Automatic Location Communicator (ALC) and disseminate data from it, and related vessel data, in accordance with the nominated partner agencies policies and respective legislation.


    What you need to do

    Please complete the webform above and submit to the Australian Fisheries Management Authority for processing.

    If you are unable to use the webform, you can download a PDF of the National VMS Tracking Authorisation Form and email the completed form to ausvms@afma.gov.au.


    What you need to know

    Who can submit or sign the National VMS Tracking Authorisation Form?

    Trading name – all individuals or corporate owners of a trading name must be specified as the applicants and all sign this form.

    Companies – A company may sign in any manner (including under seal) authorised by s127 of the Corporations Act 2001.

    Co-Holders – If the concession/permit/licence is in more than one name (partnership or otherwise), all holders must sign this form. If there are more than two holders please attach and date a separate page.

    Powers of Attorney – If a party signs a Power of Attorney the attorney must state “signed for (name of principal) by his/her/their/its attorney (name of attorney) pursuant to Power of Attorney Register number (number or date if not required to be registered in that state) who states that he/she has no notice of the revocation of the power”. A copy of the registered power should accompany this form.

    Trusts – the beneficial interests in any trust will not be recognised.

    Privacy information

    The Nominated Partner Agencies authorised to collect the information provided under this form pursuant to the nominated partner agencies functions and powers under the applicable Act(s) (see Nominated Partner Agencies). All Information is collected pursuant to the nominated partner agencies functions and powers under the applicable Act(s) (see Nominated Partner Agencies). Consistent with the Nominated Partner Agency’s objectives and/or functions and/or powers, the information provided may be disclosed to:

    • Australian, State and Territory governments and agencies involved in the enforcement of law,
    • Australian and International fisheries research and management organisations,
    • Foreign governments in support of domestic and international obligations in relation to fisheries management, research and compliance, and
    • Australian, State and Territory governments and agencies involved in emergency services.
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    Page last updated: 17/01/2024