Celebrate the good ‘Summer Vibes’ with sustainable wild-caught Aussie seafood

Celebrate the good ‘Summer Vibes’ with sustainable wild-caught Aussie seafood

Like so many industries, this year has been tough on the Commonwealth fishing sector. As the year winds down and we look forward to summer celebrations, now is an important and timely reminder to be buying sustainable wild-caught Aussie seafood.

“Choosing Australian seafood supports sustainable fisheries and many local businesses across our nation, from the commercial fishers, right through to processors and fish and chip shop owners,” says CEO of the Australian Fisheries Management Authority (AFMA), Wez Norris.

“There have been many achievements throughout the year to ensure that Commonwealth fisheries are producing an abundant supply of sustainable wild-caught seafood throughout the year.”

“Despite the limitations associated with COVID-19, we responded, safely, quickly and decisively to expand operations with our government partners to counter foreign fishing activity in Australian northern waters.

“In the Torres Strait, a trial opening of the black teatfish sea cucumber fishery for the first time in over 5 years saw great collaboration between our staff and the Torres community resulting a successful opening with sustainable outcomes and a great injection into the regional economy.

“For AFMA, celebrating three years in our Lakes Entrance office, showcasing our fisheries management at the World Fisheries Congress, a successful zero tolerance campaign resulting in 100 per cent vessel monitoring system (VMS) requirements and the injection of $20 million into leading-edge data integration, monitoring and artificial intelligence to improve outcomes for Australia’s Commonwealth fishers and the environment are some of the achievements in yet another interesting year.”

“To kick off the festive season, AFMA’s staff and stakeholders have created a ‘Summer Vibes’ playlist of songs to enjoy during summer and celebrations. You can listen to this list through Spotify (search AFMA Summer Vibes) or even add your own songs through AFMA’s Facebook page.”

Australians are fortunate to have the choice of an excellent range of sustainable seafood and can have the utmost confidence in the hard-working industry that supplies our local premium seafood.

When Australians choose to buy Australian seafood, they are supporting an industry that is well regulated and sustainably managed to ensure Australian fish stocks and our fishing industry are viable now and in the future.

Media contact: media@afma.gov.au or 0437 869 860

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