Conservation Member sought for Resource Assessment Group
The Australian Fisheries Management Authority (AFMA) is seeking applications for a vacant Conservation Member position on the Shark Resource Assessment Group (SharkRAG).
SharkRAG is one of the primary sources of scientific and economic advice that contributes to the management of the Gillnet, Hook and Trap Sector of the Southern and Eastern Scalefish and Shark Fishery.
The RAG provides advice to AFMA and the South East Management Advisory Committee on the status of stocks, sub stocks, species (target and non-target), the impact of shark fishing on the marine environment and the type of information needed for stock assessments. They also evaluate the impact over time of different harvest strategies, stock depletion and recovery rates, confidence levels for fishery assessments, and risks to the success of meeting fishery objectives. Economic factors affecting the fishery are also evaluated and reported on by the group.
The appointment will be from the date of appointment until 30 June 2022 in line with the remainder of SharkRAG members’ terms of appointment.
Information about RAG members’ roles and how to apply is provided below.
Resource Assessment Groups are appointed by the AFMA CEO under the policy Fisheries Administration Paper 12 – Resource Assessment Groups (FAP 12). The RAGs provide AFMA with scientific and economic advice on the biological, economic and wider ecological factors affecting fisheries. RAG advice is used to inform AFMA’s management decisions and records from past meetings can be found on AFMA’s website.
AFMA’s policy, FAP 12, provides information about the roles of RAGs and their members. This document is available on the AFMA website.
How do I apply for RAG membership
To be considered for the Conservation Member position on SharkRAG please submit your curriculum vitae and a brief cover note (no more than 500 words) addressing the criteria under section of FAP 12 and summarising your relevant experience, qualifications and reason for your application.
Selection process
Applications will be assessed by a selection panel against the selection criteria described in FAP 12.
How do I submit my application?
Applications need to be submitted to AFMA by close of business 23 April 2021 by post or email to:
Post: Julie Cotsell
Policy, Environment, Economics and Research
Fisheries Management Branch
Australian Fisheries Management Authority
PO Box 7051
Please contact Natalie Couchman on (02) 6225 5382 or email if you require further information about the role of RAG members and the selection process.