Fisheries Management is a moving beast!

Fisheries Management is a moving beast!

Managing a highly migratory species such as the southern bluefin tuna seems like a mammoth task and the Australian Fisheries Management Authority (AFMA) is just one part of the puzzle!

Because of its highly migratory nature across many oceans, southern bluefin tuna are also caught by other countries, which means that Australia’s catch is only a part of the total global catch.

Australia works with other member countries of the Commission for the Conservation of Southern Bluefin Tuna, to ensure the sustainability of the stock into the future, with AFMA setting and monitoring total allowable catch levels for Australian industry based on extensive scientific assessments.

The most recent scientific studies of southern bluefin tuna shows that the stock has been rebuilding by approximately five per cent per year since the low point in 2009. This means that more SBT are available for recreational fishers to enjoy, and Australia’s longline fishing fleet has greater access with flow on benefits underpinning rural and regional economies.

Southern bluefin tuna are a very valuable export and for many years their primary destination was the Japanese Sashimi market. Of recent times Australians have become more aware of this high-quality species and it is now a common sight in restaurants and sushi trains across the country.

With these effective management controls in place, Australia’s Southern Bluefin Tuna Fishery is providing a sustainable resource for all to enjoy.  

Read more about these fascinating fish and how AFMA manages the Southern Bluefin Tuna Fishery at


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