Multifaceted approach to addressing IUU fishing, securing Australia’s fishing future

Multifaceted approach to addressing IUU fishing, securing Australia’s fishing future

As the Commonwealth’s fisheries regulator, the Australian Fisheries Management Authority (AFMA) uses a multifaceted approach to addressing IUU fishing that recognises its dynamic and diverse nature.

AFMA’s approach to combating IUU fishing is outlined in its International Compliance and Engagement Program 2022-24 and includes five components:

Communication: Improving public understanding and awareness of AFMA’s activities to combat IUU fishing

Enforcement operations: Leading and supporting enforcement operations to support monitoring, control and surveillance (MCS) activities in Australian waters and in the high seas.

Strategic engagement: Working closely with other Australian Government departments and agencies in engaging with other countries.

Capability development and supplementation: Developing national and regional capacity to undertake risk-responsive MCS operations to combat IUU fishing, delivered through the provision of training, on-the-job mentoring and participation in regional fisheries surveillance operations.

Targeted threat responses for enforcement operations: Implementation of a risk-based compliance approach to facilitate the effective and efficient deployment of AFMA’s resources to high-risk areas.

AFMA’s International Compliance and Engagement Program draws on the principles of regulatory compliance and seeks to prioritise available resources against key risk areas.

Read the International Compliance and Engagement Program 2022-24 at

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