GoFish is AFMA’s online business facility.
In GoFish you can:
- submit your applications
- view your record of fishing concessions
- update your contact details
- view quota and catch information
- receive messages from AFMA
- monitor progress of applications
- renew permits
- set up recurring leases
- change your password.
Register to use GoFish
- sign the Electronic Participation Agreement (PDF, 67 KB)
- return the form to AFMA.
Register your agent
- complete the Registered Authorised Agent Nomination form (PDF, 215 KB)
- return the form to AFMA.
Once registered, you, or your agent, will receive an email with a Client ID and a first-use password. You must change this password the first time you log in.
Tip! You can copy and paste the password from the email by highlighting the password in the email and pressing ctrl C then paste it into the password field in GoFish using ctrl V or right clicking and choosing copy then right click again and choose paste.
Changing your password
Your password must be at least 8 characters (letters, numbers and punctuation)
It must have at least one special character (e.g @,*.) and one number.
Can’t see your quota
Make sure you have selected the company that you work for from the drop down menu.
E-log issues
If you are having issues with e-logs you should contact your e-log provider:
CatchLog – Ph: 07 4033 1322 or email: admin@catchlog.com
OLRAC – Ph: 03 5258 4399 or email: olrac@olsps.com
Contact AFMA
To speak to someone about GoFish you can contact AFMA Monday to Friday between 8am – 5.15pm AEST.
Ph: 1300 723 621
Email: licensing@afma.gov.au