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    Fish traps are used to catch finfish species that live on or near the sea floor, normally on seamount and continental slope waters of between 300 and 700m deep.


    Species targeted

    In the Southern and Eastern Scalefish and Shark Fishery fish traps have mainly been used to target pink ling.

    In the Coral Sea Fishery, traps are used to target red emperor and rosy snapper.


    How traps work

    Fish traps are weighted at the bottom so when set, they land on the sea floor the correct way up. Traps are baited so fish will be attracted to the scent of the bait and swim through the entrance. The traps are designed in a way so that fish cannot escape once inside the trap. Fish traps have escape gaps of a minimum size to ensure that juvenile and non-target fish are able to escape.

    When set, traps are connected to a downline which is bridled at the end and attached to the trap at opposite ends. The downline is connected to a buoy on the surface which allows fishers to locate the traps. Traps used in AFMA managed fisheries are only permitted to have one entrance, as well as must meeting other minimum requirements relating to the size of the trap and escape gaps.


    Environmental impacts and management

    Fish traps have a minimal impact on the marine environment, with low levels of bycatch and interactions with protected species being rare. Fish which have been caught in traps are often alive and in good health when they reach the surface, which greatly increases post capture survivability.

    Traps can become snagged on the bottom and get broken off, although this is not a common occurrence. For this reason, in the Coral Sea Fishery traps must be fitted with sacrificial anodes to allow trap doors to open once the anode disintegrates.

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    Page last updated: 17/02/2023