Bass Strait Central Zone Scallop Fishery
CCAMLR new and exploratory fisheries
Christmas Island and Cocos Islands
Coral Sea Fishery
Eastern Tuna and Billfish Fishery
Heard Island and McDonald Islands Fishery
High Seas Permits
Joint authority fisheries
Macquarie Island Toothfish Fishery
Norfolk Island Fishery
North West Slope Trawl Fishery
Northern Prawn Fishery
Skipjack Tuna Fishery
Small Pelagic Fishery
South Tasman Rise
Southern and Eastern Scalefish and Shark Fishery
Southern Bluefin Tuna Fishery
Southern Squid Jig Fishery
Torres Strait fisheries
Western Deepwater Trawl Fishery
Western Tuna and Billfish Fishery