This page provides information for the petroleum industry on how to consult with the Commonwealth commercial fishing industry.
The Australian petroleum industry’s offshore activities include seismic surveys, exploration, drilling, pipeline construction and oil and gas production. Many of these activities occur in the same place where fishing occurs.
AFMA ensures that any broad-scale impacts of offshore petroleum industry development on commercial fishing in Commonwealth waters are considered. AFMA does this by providing comment directly to the Department of Industry, Innovation and Science on the annual acreage releases and also by providing comment to petroleum companies on large scale proposals which may have a significant impact on a fishery.
All activities proposed by petroleum companies are subject to environmental approvals. Petroleum operators must submit an environment plan and an oil spill contingency plan to the National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environmental Management Authority (NOPSEMA). The environment plan must be accepted before any activity can begin.
All activities proposed by offshore energy companies are subject to environmental approvals. Offshore energy operators must submit an Environment Plan, an Emergency Response Plan, and, where relevant, an Oil Spill Contingency Plan to the National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environmental Management Authority (NOPSEMA). Consultation with relevant stakeholders, including the fishing industry, are required during the development of these documents, which may also require communication with stakeholders in the event of an emergency or other incident.
Offshore energy companies are encouraged to consult directly with fishing operators when preparing these plans. An appropriate level of consultation with the fishing industry is a legal requirement under relevant legislation.
The level of consultation required is directly related to the type and scale of the activity and subsequent likelihood of impact on fishing.
Impacts on fishing from offshore energy activities can be through direct impacts on fish species and fish habitat (for example, infrastructure construction effect on reef substrate which may impact fish breeding) but can also be indirect through impacts on data collection for science (for example, impacts on long term surveys used to build fish population models that underpin management).
The spatial distribution and intensity of fishing operations can be highly variable over time and the only way to reliably determine future activity is by consulting relevant fishing operators. It should be noted that even if there has been low or no activity this does not mean that there will be none in the future (for example, fisheries can have “stock re-building strategies” which might include closing the fisheries for periods of time).
AFMA has a list of fishing industry association contacts for each fishery (where they exist).
If a petroleum activity occurs in the region of the 1974 Australian Indonesian Memorandum of Understanding (this boundary is also included on the AMSIS website), which allows traditional Indonesian fishing activities, the following advice may be relevant to risk assessments.
Traditional fishers can be found in any part of this area and in adjacent Australian water where they may stray from time to time.
Traditional vessels are only sail powered and therefore unable to readily take evasive action to avoid collision.
Few vessels carry navigational lights and they do not carry radar reflectors as general practice. The hulls are timber and present poor radar targets.
While peak activity for fishers is outside of the cyclone season some fishing is done throughout the year.
AFMA expects petroleum operators to consult directly with fishing operators about all activities and projects which may affect day to day fishing activities.
AFMA has a list of fishing industry association contacts (where they exist). In some fisheries there are no associations other than the Commonwealth Fisheries Association. Some fishing industry associations are developing fee-for-service models to identify fishing industry issues and liaise with the fishing sector. A number of private consultants are also active in this field.
It is important that the directory includes current contact information to ensure those who need to be consulted can be contacted. To update the list of fishing industry association contact details email
Offshore energy operators may apply to access the contact details of individual Commonwealth statutory fishing rights, fishing permit and high seas permit holders from the statutory register by contacting AFMA Licensing on 1300 723 621. Note that where such a request is approved, operators will need to enter into a deed of confidentiality covering the disclosure of the information
Overlay maps of Petroleum Title and Commonwealth Fisheries boundaries are not currently available on the Australian Marine Spatial Information System (AMSIS) website.
Maps of Commonwealth fisheries boundaries can be found on the AFMA website. Please note these are in the process of being updated.
Fishing industry association contacts
These fishing industry association contacts are for offshore energy operators to use when consultation with fishing operators is required. Please note that this is a contact list for Commonwealth licenced operators and that various State-managed fisheries may also be relevant. Proponents should contact the relevant State peak industry body for additional contacts.
Bass Strait Central Zone Scallop Fishery
Bass Strait Scallop Industry Association
10 Warleigh Grove
Brighton VIC 3186
Phone: 0408 131 204
Commonwealth Fisheries Association (CFA)
PO Box 804
Sandy Bay TAS 7006
0408 131 204
Tasmanian Seafood Industry Council (TSIC)
PO Box 878
Sandy Bay TAS 7006
Phone: 03 6224 2332
Seafood Industry Victoria
C/O Melbourne Seafood Centre
133 Kensington Road
West Melbourne VIC 3003
Phone: 0491 200 570
Coral Sea Fishery
Commonwealth Fisheries Association (CFA)
PO Box 804
Sandy Bay TAS 7066
0408 131 204
Norfolk Island Fishery
Commonwealth Fisheries Association (CFA)
PO Box 804
Sandy Bay TAS 7006
0408 131 204
Northern Prawn Fishery
The Northern Prawn Fishery Industry Pty Ltd
PO Box 756
Caloundra QLD 4551
Phone: 07 5437 0513
Commonwealth Fisheries Association (CFA)
PO Box 804
Sandy Bay TAS 7006
0408 131 204
North West Slope Trawl, Western Deepwater Trawl
Commonwealth Fisheries Association (CFA)
PO Box 804
Sandy Bay TAS 7006
0408 131 204
Small Pelagic Fishery
Commonwealth Fisheries Association (CFA)
PO Box 804
Sandy Bay TAS 7006
0408 131 204
South East Trawl Fishing Industry Association (SETFIA)
PO Box 1125
Lakes Entrance VIC 3909
Phone: 0428 141 591
Southern and Eastern Scalefish and Shark Fishery
South East Trawl Fishing Industry Association (SETFIA)
PO Box 1125
Lakes Entrance VIC 3909
Phone: 0428 141 591
Southern Shark Industry Alliance Inc.
Phone: 0428 141 591
Great Australian Bight Fishing Industry Association Inc. (GABIA)
PO Box 3350
Port Lincoln SA 5606
Phone: 0428 233 200
Commonwealth Fisheries Association (CFA)
PO Box 804
Sandy Bay TAS 7006
Phone: 0408 131 204
Southern Squid Jig
Commonwealth Fisheries Association (CFA)
PO Box 804
Sandy Bay TAS 7006
Phone: 0408 131 204
Torres Strait Fisheries
Commonwealth Fisheries Association (CFA)
PO Box 804
Sandy Bay TAS 7006
Phone: 0408 131 204
Eastern Tuna and Billfish Fishery
Tuna Australia (ETBF Industry Association)
PO Box 6 Civic Square
Canberra ACT 2608
Phone: 0427 837 966
Commonwealth Fisheries Association (CFA)
PO Box 804
Sandy Bay TAS 7006
Phone: 0408 131 204
Skipjack Tuna Fisheries
Australian Southern Bluefin Tuna Industry Association (ASBTIA)
PO Box 1146
Port Lincoln SA 5606
Phone: 08 8682 3257
Commonwealth Fisheries Association (CFA)
PO Box 804
Sandy Bay TAS 7006
Phone: 0408 131 204
Southern Bluefin Tuna Fishery
Australian Southern Bluefin Tuna Industry Association (ASBTIA)
PO Box 1146
Port Lincoln SA 5606
Phone: 08 8682 3257
Commonwealth Fisheries Association (CFA)
PO Box 804
Sandy Bay TAS 7006
Phone: 0408 131 204
Heard Island and McDonald Islands Fishery/Macquarie Island Toothfish Fishery
Austral Fisheries Pty Ltd
Po Box 42
Mt Hawthorn WA 6915
Phone: 08 9217 0100
Australian Longline Fishing Pty Ltd
Ground Floor
85 Macquarie St
Hobart TAS 7000
Phone: 03 6244 2609
Commonwealth Fisheries Association (CFA)
PO Box 804
Sandy Bay TAS 7006
Phone: 0408 131 204