On this page

    The Small Pelagic Fishery Resource Assessment Group (SPFRAG) provides scientific and economic advice and recommendations to the South East Management Advisory Committee (SEMAC), AFMA management, and the AFMA Commission on the status of target stocks, harvest rates and total allowable catches, and the impact of fishing on the marine environment.

    See the SPF Scientific Panel and SPF Stakeholder Forum webpages for previous meeting minutes and papers.

    Typically, SPFRAG meetings are held annually in early December each year.

    Some recent discussion topics of the SPFRAG include:

    • Bycatch and Discard Workplan
    • SPF 2022-23 Research Priorities
    • SPF Five Year Strategic Research Plan

    Download the minutes of the December 2021 SPF Resource Assessment Group Meeting 04.

    • Annual Monitoring, reporting and assessment of marine mammal interactions, including effectiveness of mitigation measures.

    Past minutes, recommendations and advice can be found on the Small Pelagic Fishery Resource Assessment Group past meetings page.

    Members are appointed for the period 1 July 2022 until 31 December 2023

    • Mr Max Kitchell, Chair
    • Mr Steve Hall, AFMA member
    • Dr Tim Ward, scientific member
    • Mr Andrew Penney, scientific member
    • Mr Gerry Geen, industry member
    • Ms Anissa Lawrence, conservation member
    • Prof. Caleb Gardner, economic member
    • Vacant, recreational member
    • Vacant, invited participant
    • Vacant, invited participant.

    Yvette Lamont
    Executive Officer
    08 8943 0320
    Email: spfmanagement@afma.gov.au

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    Page last updated: 24/05/2024