Considering the views of stakeholders is an important part of AFMA’s management of Commonwealth fisheries, including the Small Pelagic Fishery (SPF). On 16 October 2015, the independent AFMA Commission decided to trial a Scientific Panel, together with stakeholder forums, to enable more stakeholders to engage in the advisory process while maintaining the focus on the scientific and economic advice it is seeking.
In the SPF, stakeholder forums will be the main avenue to capture stakeholder views, in addition to the Scientific Panel itself. The forums will be open to members of peak recreational fishing bodies, environmental non-government organisations, indigenous groups, individual community stakeholders and commercial fishing industry members. The South East Management Advisory Committee will continue to provide advice on fishery management issues.
10 December - (No stakeholder forum)
The SPF Scientific Panel are seeking comments on its draft advice from the 26 November 2018 meeting. If you would like to provide comment, please send it through to by COB 4 January 2018. The Panel’s advice, along with key matters raised during consultation with stakeholders, will be provided to the South East Management Advisory Committee in February and subsequently to the independent AFMA Commission in March for decision.
Informal Teleconference Agenda
Draft outcomes and advice from the SPF Scientific Panel meeting November 2018
Natalie Rivero
Executive Officer
Tel: 02 6225 5555