Showing 81 - 88 of 238 results
28 Nov 2022
Improving discard reporting

The Australian Fisheries Management Authority and our research partners use logbook data as a key component in management decisions for fisheries. Fishers accurately recording their catch and their discards are key to the quality of the data on decisions making.

28 Oct 2022
Seeking members for AFMA's Management Advisory Committees and Resource Assessment Groups

The Australian Fisheries Management Authority (AFMA) is seeking applications for members on three Management Advisory Committees (MACs) and two Resource Assessment Groups (RAGs). These include the:

  • Great Australian Bight Management Advisory Committee (GABMAC)
  • Scallop Management Advisory Committee (ScallopMAC)
  • Tropical Tuna Management Advisory Committee (TTMAC)
  • Southern Squid Jig Fishery Resource Assessment Group (SquidRAG), and the
  • Small Pelagic Fishery Resource Assessment Group (SPFRAG).
27 Oct 2022
Bycatch handling — know your responsibilities

To assist fishers, AFMA has developed a range of bycatch handling guides and a video to help ensure that fishers use best practice when handling their bycatch. These guides help fishers understand the importance of bycatch handling and provide helpful information on handling techniques and in understanding fishers obligations.

28 Sep 2022
Putting pressure on illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing – a multinational partnership

The Australian Fisheries Management Authority (AFMA) joined the French Armed Forces of New Caledonia (FANC) who hosted the sixth occasion of the international fisheries operation "NASSE".

26 Sep 2022
Congratulations to the 2022 Seafood Industry Award, Industry Ambassador Dr. George Kailis

The Australian Fisheries Management Authority (AFMA) congratulates Dr. George Kailis on receiving national recognition for his contribution to State and National fisheries management policy and research.

26 Sep 2022
AFMA Commissioner inducted into the Seafood Industry Hall of Fame

The Australian Fisheries Management Authority (AFMA) congratulates Brett McCallum on his induction into the Seafood Industry Hall of Fame at the 2022 Seafood Directions Conference.

24 Sep 2022
Multifaceted approach to addressing IUU fishing, securing Australia’s fishing future

As the Commonwealth’s fisheries regulator, the Australian Fisheries Management Authority (AFMA) uses a multifaceted approach to addressing IUU fishing that recognises its dynamic and diverse nature.

22 Sep 2022
Fisheries Management is a moving beast!

Managing a highly migratory species such as the southern bluefin tuna seems like a mammoth task and the Australian Fisheries Management Authority (AFMA) is just one part of the puzzle!