Showing 185 - 192 of 237 results
08 Oct 2020
Multi-country operation monitoring high seas fishing in South Pacific Ocean

Operation Nasse, a multi-country regional maritime surveillance operation between Australia, France, New Zealand and the United States of America, targeting illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing on the high seas in the south Pacific Ocean, has concluded.

21 Sep 2020
74th AFMA commission meeting - Chairman's Summary
14 Sep 2020
Public Call for Research Proposals for potential AFMA funding in 2021-22

As part of its 2021 research funding round, the Australian Fisheries Management Authority (AFMA) is making its annual public call for applications to address research priorities identified for potential AFMA funding in 2021-22.

10 Sep 2020
Working together to remove marine threats

Joint media release with ABF

09 Sep 2020
72nd AFMA Commission Meeting - Chairman's summary

The Commission met for its 72nd meeting via teleconference on 8 July 2020.

08 Sep 2020
73rd AFMA commission meeting - Chairman's summary
02 Sep 2020
Are Australian Marine Parks displayed on your navigational plotter?

Around the Australia coastline, there are 58 Australian Marine Parks, managed by Parks Australia.

Typically, these parks are made up of two or more zone types, each with its own rules. When you’re out fishing, it is important that you’re aware of the parks, their zones and how the rules of a zone might impact on your activities.

31 Aug 2020
National Compliance and Enforcement Program 2020-21

The Australian Fisheries Management Authority’s (AFMA) National Compliance Operations Policy aims to effectively deter illegal fishing Commonwealth fisheries and the Australian Fishing Zone.