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    AFMA recently released a new policy paper, Fisheries Administration Paper 16 - Fisheries Research and Science Quality Assurance Policy (FMP 16)

    FMP 16 was developed to support a consistent approach to AFMA’s evidence-based decision making. It describes the approach and the contribution that AFMA’s staff, committees and other bodies make towards gathering and using scientific results and information. The policy will also apply to any contracted science providers.

    Implementation of FMP 16 has required changes to Fisheries Management Paper 1 – Management Advisory Committees (FMP1) and Fisheries Administration Paper 12 – Resource Assessment Groups (FAP12).

    In amending FMP 1 and FAP 12 an additional two changes were made that reflect legislative and administrative changes that will impact Management Advisory Committees and Resource Assessment Groups membership and member responsibilities. These cover changes to the Fisheries Management Act 1991 and the Fisheries Administration Act 1991 to take into account the interests of Indigenous and recreational fishers in addition to commercial operators and the formation of the Economic Working Group (EWG).

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    Page last updated: 20/06/2024